10 things you can do before/on Nov4 to bring people out to Vote !!

So! ,less than 5 days left .. and I am sure most of Americans have made up their mind as in ,whom to vote for .The race for White House is tightest ever , but we should keep in mind “Not to trust any Polls” ,they are nothing more than an illusion …Even now,there are several people who are undecided/independent and many who intend not to vote ..
And as of now,our target must be to bring them out to vote ,VOTE for America !!
Here are some thoughts which came to me while I was attending a boring lecture of mine,so I penned them down and would like to share the same ..

Thing 1 – On the day of election,take with you 3 other people from different families ,perhaps 3 families itself .A chain of 3 can help connect whole nation.Best would be,if you can take with you people who were confused or not willing to vote .

Thing 2 – This one is for girls 😛 ,well !! girls do ask your guy/boy friend(s) to vote and might accompany you.Its a fact ,guys will take talk from girl more seriously than some talk from just another guy.

Thing 3 – Use your Phone answering machine as a tool to convey your message to vote,you can use your home phones for this purpose and tell people calling you that you will be voting on Nov4 and want the person calling to vote too.In a funny tone,you might want to add that if the person calling wants to hear from you,he/she must pledge to vote 🙂

Thing 4 – Okay!!,if you run a company,ask your employees to vote or if you are a Professor/Teacher ask your eligible students to vote,I mean you can always request someone below in hierarchy to vote,the things can be taken vice-versa too.Say,if a student knows that his teacher does not vote or is fed up with current Political situation,he/she can ask for the same.This will perhaps carry more impact.

Thing 5 – Now,this one is very easy to do,but bit tedious to implement.What I mean to say is that create some Posters(2 types) ,1-simple ones using RED-BLUE color (with more Red into it) such that you appear to be independent while 2-McCain posters ..Now search for locations where people tend to queue or stand for a while like Supermarket’s cash counter place,Gas station,etc etc and with permission of owner just paste the same ,if he is a McCainiac paste the McCain poster else keeping our prime objective open ,ask them to vote !! Here,Let the Color speak ..
Now,if you are pretty creative you can create the Comics style poster,with cartoons thing etc,so that it catches eye and people give few seconds to it ..

Thing 6 – Halloween !!,don’t miss the opportunity to use this awesome day for such a good purpose to save the Democracy of AMERICA.Simple Angel/Evil – Voter/Non Voter analogy can be used and posters etc can be set up in the Halloween costume shops.Also during celebration,something creative can be thought of.

Thing 7 – Edit/Create a signature in your Personal emails,Facebook/MySpace Status messages,IM status message etc and try to spread the word and convey your thoughts on the importance of voter.Best is, make feel as if voters are the winners while people not voting are loosers “L” .

Thing 8 – Promote your brand image,o! yes .. you can improve your brand image if all your employees have pledged to vote.You can create posters etc (If you are an entrepreneur ) and ask people to vote + let them know that “This company employs employees ,cent% of whom have pledged to vote” ,its kind of way the companies feel proud of them being green.

Thing 9 – Collect some money or something and try posting an Ad to vote! on some Financial News papers,such that it gives impression that every vote counts and a good government is need of the hour and to take America out of current financial crisis .

Thing 10 – You can ask,as a group or society,club etc to the owners of Cinema Halls,Theaters etc to post at least a TEXT Ad before the beginning of movie,this will target youth etc who many times just don’t care about voting and take it casually .But the Ad must be inspiring enough(even Text) such that it helps people motivating.Since,its not promotion rather something for countries benefit.I believe that Cinema Theater owners etc won’t mind the same and might even do the same for free..

So,these were some points,some thoughts of mine ..some easy,some bit tedious.. but might eventually help get the purpose solved to some extent ..
Hope it helps.

2 comments so far

  1. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today on10 things you can do before/on Nov4 to bring people out to Vote …Here’s a quick excerptThing 6 – Halloween !!,don’t miss the opportunity to use this awesome day for such a good purpose to save the Democracy of AMERICA.Simple Angel/Evil – Voter/Non Voter analogy can be used and posters etc can be set up in the Halloween … […]

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